Hello there!
Welcome to my blog! Those are four words I NEVER thought I'd say/write! I wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about why I am starting this journey.
I love traveling. I'm the kind of person that will eagerly start planning the next trip, before the current one is done. Almost to a fault. Oops!
What I love about travel is that it's not something that abruptly ends when your trip is over. The experience and memories stay with you long after the trip is done and you've posted your photos on Instagram! One of my favorite things is sharing the stories with friends and family when I return! So I thought, why not share them with more people? My love of travel, nature and photography has spurred this interest. This will be a place to share my travel experiences and photos and hopefully inspire you!
My husband and I have been fortunate to do a little bit of traveling while we were dating and now being married. But we have a long list of places yet to go that are on our "dream list".
Little by little, we hope to see all of these places, and we are thankful for what we've seen so far!
Summit of Mauna Kea, Big Island, Hawaii
Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland
We love going places where we can do lots of outdoor adventures, especailly hiking! We started visiting national parks when we were dating and have now had the opportunity to visit many more. Some of our favorites include: Redwood National Park, Joshua Tree National Park, Arches National Park, Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. Abroad our favorite spots have been Switzerland and Cinque Terre, Italy. We also love Hawaii and have been 3 times! Kauai is our favorite island.
A little bit about me:
I have been a personal trainer for over 8 years now, certified through the American College of Sports Medicine. This combined with my B.S. in Exercise Science has given me a great passion for health and wellness. I am currently working on attaining a Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutrition certification which will enable me to do nutrition coaching as well. I believe that variety and moderation are the keys to a healthy life. My philosophy is no extreme diets or detox teas, just eating real food and exercising regularly.
I plan to share some nutrition and fitness tips (what's worked for me) for traveling.
Hiking in Yosemite National Park
I hope you enjoy this brief introduction. Until the next post, happy wandering!